Brazil 2016April 23, 2016 was a great day to celebrate Earth Day in Rio de Janeiro. COI helped organize a beach cleanup event on the famous Itacoatiara Beach in the Niteroi suburb.
Friends and families came out and made a two-hour mile long beach walk collecting the plastic scrap that made it past the city cleanup crew. 150 kilos later we had a major improvement in the beach and a real boost in awareness of the issue. COI was sponsored by Silver Spur restaurant of Santa Cruz and Aquafish of Niteroi. Local business took notice and invited us to return asap. We are looking into the option of our second event in August during the Olympic games to raise even greater awareness of the importance of Global Ocean Health. |
Project SummaryProject Name: Brazilian Earth Day cleanup 2016
Focus: Help orchestrate a community beach cleanup at famous Brazilian Beach.
Number of Volunteers: 30
GROUPS INVOLVEDClean Oceans International
local residents of Itacoatiara CHALLENGEEvent organization across 4 time zones
14 hrs of travel time
SOLUTIONEarly start
Plenty of humor
RESULTS150 kilos of plastic removed
New community awareness of plastic pollution and PTF recycling options